The Team

candbBECKY AND CLAUDE: Homeowners, planners, dreamers and decision makers and financiers.

IMG_3329JON ULRICH AND BEN ULRICH of Building Construction, Inc.:
Contractor hired because in addition to his workmanship, he’s comfortable working as a team with the homeowners, and letting us take a hand’s on approach the work. Also, he’s a really nice guy, and that’s important since we’re going to be around each other so much.

IMG_3314BEN ERRERA: Son of homeowners, recently moved “back home” from CT, specially to lend a hand with the house building.

DAN GARZA:Experienced contractor who has worked with Jon before. Brings a lively sense of community to the work site.

JAKE THE PLUMBER: Terry and Sarah helping with all our plumbing installation needs.

CJ ELECTRIC: Chris and Luke, willing to instruct or step in and handle whatever re-wiring is required

S&L MECHANICAL: Steve is very creative with both heating systems and vent placement, making it all seem easy.

TIM AND KEITH: College students and generous weekend manual labor.

ALAN MICHAEL: Realtor who scouted the market and put together the offer that helped us land this gem of a property.

LYNN MICHAEL: Designer who patiently input every inch and angle of the house to get us a workable remodel plan to present to the architect.

CHANDLER STEVER: Architect with a great eye for design/use who envisions beauty and elegance everywhere.

WADE DAMEY: Structural Engineer who’s helping us keep the building intact and upright throughout the changes to the century old structure.

THE NEIGHBORS: Whose interest and support have added so much, including, but not exclusive to, a shared driveway for moving supplies in and out, pictures of the project in motion, historical perspective on the house and previous occupants, landscaping treasures, parking restriction accommodations and camaraderie. A thousand thanks to you all.

One response to “The Team”

  1. Awh, no credit to the daughter who sits on the couch and makes sure the wifi and the fridge don’t get lonely while you’re working? I’m hurt.

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